
Chapter 1: Magic in the Air

David Michaux | 2023

Now if I told you the Flynn Twins found magic, you might think of a mighty wizard shooting lightning from an old oak staff or a large dusty book filled with spells and weird drawings. No, this magic came in the form of a cat. 

One day, as the twins were finishing up school and waiting outside for their parents, they heard a loud “MEOW!” – as loud as a thunder clap – and everyone and everything just stopped. Their teachers were posed like mannequins, the air was noticeably quiet, and Taylor saw a dragonfly hanging in the air frozen in mid-flight. Time was standing still. Time was stopped for everyone, except for Jack and Taylor.

At first, Taylor kept staring at that dragonfly. Then, before her amazement could turn to fear, she heard her brother’s excitement burst through the silence. 

“What?!” exclaimed Jack, clearly excited about .. well, excited about whatever was happening. “What is – What is going on?! This is so cool! Taylor, hand me a glitter pen so I can draw a mustache on my teacher’s face! Quick!” 

“Okay!” said Taylor, and she skipped over to her brother. “But I heard a meow. Who meowed?” 

“I DID!” came the same loud voice from a nearby tree. 

“Woah!” Jack was so surprised he fell over into a bush. 

Just then, from the tree, jumped an orange cat. The cat had a long wavy tail and green eyes. But when the cat jumped, it never landed! No, the cat stayed in the air like it had found a little invisible cloud to sit on. 

“Sorry, Flynn Twins,” the cat said in a normal volume this time. “I forgot to turn my voice off the “loud” setting. I have something very import to tell – something import– Jack! Jack, get out of that bush and listen. Taylor, help your brother, sweetie.” 

But Taylor was so excited about seeing a real-life, floating, magical cat that she couldn’t stop staring at it. So Jack climbed out of the bush, himself, pulling leaves out of his hair. 

“Right then,” said the cat. “Like I said – I have important news for you two. Someone has stolen the First Snowflake – the very first snowflake ever to fall. It’s a magic snowflake and without it, the world will never have snow again!” 

Taylor gasped wide-eyed and leaned closer to the cat. 

“Yes!” continued the cat. “Imagine it – no more sledding, no more snowball fights, no more snow days off from school!” 

Now Jack was paying attention. “No more snowdays? Booo! We need to catch this dirty, rascal, sneaky thiefy-pants and get that snowflake back!” 

“Well, Jack,” the cat replied, “I happen to have already done that. I have the snowflake, but it’s magic is weak. It needs to be placed on the iciest iceberg in the whole Arctic Circle. I would take it, but – well, I’m a cat and cats hate the cold! We love warm sunlight and cozy blankets.” The cat stopped for a second and purred at the thought of cozy blankets. “Oh, anyway, I need you two to take the snowflake back. Every snow angel and snow-cone depend on you! Here it is!” 

Right then, the most perfect, six-pointed snowflake you’ll ever see came gently falling down from the invisible cloud the cat was sitting on. It was about the size of a dinner plate and sparkled like a diamond in the sunlight. 

Taylor, about to explode with excitement and love of magic, jumped forward and caught the snowflake. She looked at it with wide eyes then held it so tight to her chest, the cat had to say, “Woah now Taylor! – don’t let it break. If it breaks, no more snow.” 

Then Taylor gave her best and strongest hero pose. “I’ll guard it with all my life. I promise on every stuffed animal on my bed! But kitty cat? You’re so cute. What’s your name kitty cat?” 

“Oh me? The name’s Magic.” Then the cat winked at Taylor, gave a thunderous “MEOW!” and disappeared. 

Suddenly everything started moving again. The world was back to normal. Teachers and kids and dragonflies all moving as they should, as if nothing ever happened. 

Jack walked over to Taylor, looked long at the large snowflake in her hands, and said, “Well sister, I guess we better get this back where it belongs. What did the cat say? The iciest iceberg in the whole Arctic Circle?” 

And so the Flynn Twins, forgetting about their classes and backpacks, started on their adventure. As they were walking away, they heard one of the teachers yell, “Who drew this mustache on me?! ... Jaaaaack!”