
Raven Library

A Vision of Armageddon

David Michaux | 2012

No one is safe. But everyone is loved.
God gave me a vision as I slept.
In three stages, came YHWH.*

The first, YHWH snuck about as a thief
Surveying YHWH’s earth.
Holy tendrils and spies crept about.
Nothing was left unseen or unaccounted for.
YHWH viewed the darkest of hearts
And searched behind every locked secret.
Nothing can be hidden from YHWH.

In the second hour of The Day,
YHWH summoned the Great Convention.
YHWH cried to the depths of the sea,
YHWH called to the heights of the mountains,
YHWH breathed to the four winds,
YHWH convened all that belonged to The Name.
To the Throne Room, all the angels and saints assembled.
There were beasts so great they shook the foundations.
There were creatures small and meek.
Among the crowd of angels was what appeared to be a rhino.
Made of fire, the form shifted and flickered,
But the feet and head were steady.
Also among the angels was a dragon.
Made of metals that shone every color in the light;
Its tail, long and sharp, was made for piercing.
YHWH had many indescribable angels.
All were in service to YHWH.
All were YHWH.

At the beginning of the third hour,
On The Day of YHWH,
YHWH spoke to me because I was afraid.
“Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear in me.”
As the battle for hearts ensued,
I became more anxious and inquired of YHWH.
“Put your heart at ease, in mine,” spoke YHWH.
“I am searching and purifying everyone.
There is no one that will not be affected.
Saint and Fallen, alike, will be found by me.
But do not worry. I AM love. And I am the purest and truest form.
All creatures in this battle: angels, demons, the great and the small
Will all be brought to me.
Be sure and know,
No one is safe. But everyone is loved.”

- I had this dream in January 2010
* YHWH is the utmost and dangerously sacred, four-letter, hebrew name for God. It means “I am what I am” or simply, “I am.” When Moses asked for God’s name at the burning bush, “YHWH” is the name God spoke.